El Xinxetòfon és un prototip de nou instrument electrònic, inspirat en l’ Omnichord, pero aprofitant la potència d’ un ordinador paer a extendre les capacitats interpretatives de l’usuari mitjançant algoritmes d’ inteligència artificial.
Instrument microtonal, inspirat en el theremin o l’ondes martenot. El so és produit per un to continu (un to pur, o d’ona quadrada o dent de serra filtrades) modulat per l’intèrpret. amb la ma esquerra es controla el to i la dinàmica. El moviment longitudinal modifica el to de forma continua (no quantitzat a semitons). […]
Per mitjà de tècniques de convolució, permet usar el so d’un micrófono para excitar sonss (samples de discos) de manera similar a com ho faria una reverb. Pots “excitar” la música colpejant o rascant superficies, o usar la veu per “cantar” els samples.
Sampling is a way to take a section or even a completed track and repurpose it in a way to make it fresh. Dub-o-matic is an instrument inspired in that techniques , popularized by DJs and producers around the birth of Dub and hip hop.
Samplematic is an instrument that uses 3 wavetables sufficiently versatile to be used as a loop, oscillator or LFO according to the number of samples and the speed of reproduction, and the exploration of complex interactions between them.
A monophonic instrument with which the pitch and dynamics are controlled with one hand and the timbre is modified with the other, to give the instrument a solo character, which recalls an opera singer
Aquesta peça està inspirada en la League of Automatic Composers, la primera networked band (finals dels 70), en la que els dispositius musicals de cada participant eren capaços d’enviar-se dades els uns als altres per modificar el seus comportaments.
versió lliure de CliX, de GeWang(l’actual director de la Stanford Laptop Orchestra). Originàriament una obra per “teclejadors compulsius”, on les tecles es mapegen a freqüències segons llur codi ASCII,
una peça-demostració d’una nova interfície que hem estat preparant per tocar peces basades en patrons repetitius, en principi feta a mida dels requeriments de SixPianos(1973) de Steve Reich,
San Taub y Wú:: nos proponen una improvisación basada en el estudio dela retroalimentación entre sistemas audiovisuales.
Originaly concieved as a workshop for Sonar Kids, in CosmoCaixa, we are currently developing new instruments for kids, that explore interactiviy between music and visual arts.
An audio-visual instrument. Play a sound cloud with body gestures. Specially developed for the concert of Sons del Sud, a collaboration between Barcelona Laptop Orchestra and Institut Goethe.
La Roda is a multi-player instrument. It’s a turn-based acumulative sound-editing engine. Based on the chinese whispers game, it was conceived as a collective improvisational tool.
An audio-visual sampler/loopstation. Audio and video are captured in real-time and samples are handled through an interface or with an external remote controller via ethernet.
Video sampler, interactive video controller or interactive movie device, it was thought as an instrument to make dead singers sing again.
Digital turntable. This was born from the need of some kind of device to scratch digital audio on stage, that was easy to carry along and that did not depend on the hardware available at the gig site.